Wednesday, 6 February 2013

PLL - who is the girl in the red coat?

*Potential Spoiler Alert*
If you haven't read the Pretty Little Liars books, then look away now!

If you love Pretty Little Liars then you would have already seen last nights episode. I've read the books so I kind of know what's happening although the tv series does differ in some ways. 
According to the books Ally had a twin sister, a trouble making little girl who got sent away to boarding school I think, when she was younger. Don't quote me on that, I'm gonna have to look that up cause it was yonks ago that I read the books. However the siblings end up getting switched and its really the evil twin acting as Ally while the good twin is away. So I'm guessing the series is gonna play out along those lines where one twin is still alive. From what I can remember, the night of Ally's murder, the twins switched places again, and it is actually the good twin that gets murdered....I think this is such an exciting story line and I really hope the series sticks to it!

What are your PLL theories? Let me know guys :)


Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Tone that Tush!

If like me you need to tone up after stuffing your face and being lazy over the crimbo period then these simple workouts are for you! I'm on a mission to get a booty in 2013. I'll keep everyone updated ;)

Here is a list of the best techniques for toning your bootay:
Reverse Lunges
Walking Lunges
Glute Extentions
One Legged Cable Kickbacks
Stiff Legged Deadlifts
Leg Lifts

I'm going to try 10 of each every morning and see how I get on. Hello Kim K booty!



Song of the Week

I looove Youtube. I spend hours watching makeup tutorials and my favourite 'beauty gurus'. I also  watch/listen to music videos while I'm getting ready, and stumbled upon this...

I am officially obsessed! Its such a catchy wee song, and the main singer is such a cutey! So I am making this my song of the week. Have you guys got any songs that you just cant get out of your head? Let me know :)


Source: Youtube

Pucker Up This Valentines Day

Howdy fellow beauty lovers ;)

Want to have the perfect kiss this valentines day? Well follow these simple steps for fabulously kissable lips, mwah!

First of all, EXFOLIATE! Nothing makes your lips softer than getting rid of any dry skin. Use a nice lip exfoliate like the lip scrubs from lush.

Next, MOISTURISE! I am obsessed with Nivea's new range of lip butter, my favourite is the caramel butter one.

Now line your lips with your favourite lip pencil. MAC's lip pencil in Boldly Bare is fantastic for a nude lip. And for a red lip try Rimmel's lip pencil in wine for a more dramatic look. A little tip of mine is to completely fill in your lips with the pencil, it acts as a great base and makes your lipstick stay for longer.

Swipe your most loved lipstick over your lips.

Finally, use a highlighter! This is a little trick to make your lips look bigger. I used MAC's highlghter in 'soft and gentle'. Use your finger to apply a little to the bottom of your cupids bow, just where it meets your lips. Then add a little to the centre of your bottom lip and voila!

Valentines day ready lips!

Now pucker up, mwah!



Favourite Quotes

Hello my gorgeous girls!

I thought it would be fun to share with you guys some of my favourite quotes :)

 The one below I love so much, it made its way to my iphone background! :')

I dont have any tattoos yet, but would love one of these quotes as one, but where? What are your favourite quotes? Are they inspirational? Motivating? Romanticalll? Let me know :)


All photos sourced using google images

My Dressing Table...

Good afternoon beauties!

This is just a short post about one of my favorite pieces of furniture dressing table <3

It a French chic looking table that my mum bought me as a moving in present. I am absolutely in love! It has this battered worn out effect which i adore! I feel that a dressing table can really describe a person in a way. I have photos of my boyfriend and best friend, pretty perfume bottles, makeup brushes and angel figures which you can just make out in the middle.

Do you have a dressing table? What's it like? Leave a comment & let me know :)


M.A.C Holiday Collection - 'Primped Out Lip Look Bag: Lavish Coral'

Yay! First Review, okay, here goes...

So I begged and begged my boyfriend to get me anything, and I mean anything from MAC's holiday collection for Christmas. When he finally decided to do his Christmas shopping (on the 23rd of bloomin' December I'll have you know) the holiday collection was sold out *sad face*
However, the most beautiful time of year finally came (the January sales) and I managed to pick up the 'Primped out lip look bag' in lavish coral. 

So the cute leopard print clutch contained a lip pencil in 'Boldly Bare', a creme sheen 
lipstick in 'Shy Girl' and a creme sheen glass in 'Kiss me Softly'.

The lip pencil is absolutely fab, Its sharp and accurate and goes on like a dream, 
The colour is a neutral orangy-brown and is a perfect liner for the lipstick and glass.

The lipstick is very creamy. The colour is nice, its a natural pinky-orange toned colour. 
Although the lipstick feels amazing when it first goes on, I feel that it doesn't last 
very long...Thats my only issue with it.

The lip glass is a gorgeous nude and like the lipstick is also extreamley creamy. 
Its not sticky in the slightest which is a must for me cause I hate the feeling of sticky lip glass!

Shown above are all 3 swatches - Excuse the pastyness of my skin, haven't tanned in a week! The lip glass is on the left, lip pencil is in the middle and the lipstick is in the right :)

And below is what all 3 look like on my lips...

Overall I highly recommend this kit. Its fab value for money! It may not be in stock anymore, but I'm sure Frasers and Debenhams will still sell them :)

Hope you enjoyed my first review! Please leave a comment with any advice or products you recommend :)

Have a nice day m'lovelies,

Hello beauties...

Hi Y'all!

So this is my very, very first blog post! Hi :)

For the past few years I have been completely and utterly obsessed with youtube tutorials and youtube 'beauty gurus'. It has been a secret obsession of mine as I am meant to be studying for masters in architectural engineering... However, these secret videos led me to the world of beauty blogs, honestly I was like a small child in 'toys R us' on a Sunday afternoon! I then stumbled upon a friend's blog, I didn't even realise she had one and that's when I thought, I MUST HAVE ONE! So, if you're in to all the girly stuff that I am, stay tuned, for reviews, tips, tricks & a lil' bit of engineering thrown in for good measure!

Have a nice day beauties :)


Shown above is an example of how excited I am...