Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Happy New Year Beauties!

I hope you all had a wonderful New Year's Eve!

I am a terrible, terrible person, yes I know. I have neglected my poor wee blog since October! Shame on me! But I am back!

One of my resolutions is to devote more time to my blog, which I’m going to try really hard to do in 2014! I pinched this snazzy little NYE resolutions list from the beautiful Lauren Conrad’s blog….
A bad habit I’m going to break:
Worrying, I worry far too much! I’m aiming to take a leaf out of Zoella’s book and say yes to everything this year. In the past I’ve sometimes pulled out of going to parties etc because worrying has gotten the best of me, but not anymore!
A destination I’d like to visit:
The Fairy Pools of Skye…<3
I’m going to work harder at:
Running and getting toned!
A project I’d like to finish:
This isn’t really a project, but I want to save for a mortgage this year! I’ve already worked out a little savings plan that I am definitely going to stick too!

A class I’d like to take:
Make Up Artistry :)

I’d like to spend more time doing:
Everything and anything! Like I said before, if anyone asks me to do something (exercising with them, going out, going to a concert, hill walking yada yada) I have to say yes! And I will constantly remind myself of this resolution until it sinks in! I need to live in the moment and not worry about the future; life is short so I want to make the most of it so I can look back with no regrets.

A food I want to eat more of:
I’m a good eater already, I eat loads of everything, which is the problem. I would like to eat LESS of takeaways! I loooove Indian food, so I think it may be quite hard to limit my intake, but I’m definitely going to try to cut down on McDonalds and other types of fast foods.

I want to wear more:
Smiles….cute eh?

Feel free to nab this resolutions list, I think it’s a fab idea! Let me know if you guys have similar resolutions to me or completely different!

Ps. Blogger isn't letting me upload pictures :( Will upload some NYE shots as soon as I can!